logoScaling Ethereum 2023
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Getting Started

🔩Hackathon Starter Kit: Built with ❤️ for Scaling Ethereum hackers. Optimism + wagmi + Foundry + Rainbowkit + Vite project originally bootstrapped with create-wagmi.Optimism Ideas List: Big ideas, specific ideas, tool ideas, ecosystem ideas, dangerous ideas, updated for AttestationStation and the OP Stack.OP Stack Resources OP Stack Docs Getting Started Guides OP Stack Customization Guides Optimism Monorepo Identity, Reputation, and AttestationStation Resources AttestationStation Overview AttestationStation Tutorial (GitHub) AttestationStation SDK and CLI Goerli Testnet Fauced for Optimism Optimism Mainnet Docs and Getting Started Guides

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Getting Started

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Getting Started

  • Website: http://apecoin.com/

  • Delegate Site: https://delegate.apecoin.com/

  • Twitter: http://twitter.com/apecoin

  • Forum: http://forum.apecoin.com/ Best place to see proposals and discussions in progress

  • Discord: https://discord.gg/wg0 Begin with the 'start-here and 'faq' channels

  • ApeCoin Smart Contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x4d224452801aced8b2f0aebe155379bb5d594381

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Getting Started

What Can You Build?

Using the new primitive, xcall, developers can send assets and any arbitrary data across chains. This means you can build with crosschain interoperability out of the box, allowing your smart contracts to directly interact with other protocols across chains! You’ll find there is a whole realm of new possibilities using features enabled by the protocol, like JS-style callbacks.

xcall allows for a new class of crosschain use cases, such as:

🔗 Crosschain DAO governance

💧 Crosschain liquidity management

💎 Crosschain NFTs

🔮 And many more that have yet to be discovered


👩‍💻 Developer Quickstart

🌉 General Bridge Concepts

🕰️ Connext’s Transaction Lifecycle

🌐 Supported Chains and Contract Addresses

📚 SDK Guide

📖 SDK Reference

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Getting Started

Prize details coming soon

Getting Started

We have the zkSync Era**∎ | Developer Library, where you can find all the necessary resources for you to get started with zkSync Era.

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Getting Started

Prize details coming soon

Getting Started

🔧 Getting started with Push in 10 minutes

💡 Inspiration for builders: https://twitter.com/pushprotocol/status/1597279786182660096