logoETHOnline 2024


Avail is a Web3 infrastructure layer designed to enable modular execution layers to scale and interoperate in a trust-minimized way. Avail is built to serve as the unification layer that coordinates interoperability and liquidity across the rollup-centric future.


📝 Build with Avail$1,000
Split with up to 9 teams (capped at $111 per team)
This pool prize is here for hackers to built something outside the scope of CDK/rollup infra. The goal here is to let your modularity creativeness run wild. Build anything meaningful such as:-Using Risc0/SP1 to build custom application-specific rollup that uses AvailDA as the data availability layer. -Multichain/Appchain explorers - As we head to a rollup-centric world, there’ll be a need to explore the states of multiple rollups running on Avail DA. Create an explorer that can fetch and view states of multiple rollups running on Avail. -he Avail Light Client uses the Kademlia DHT for its P2P network to store addresses of peers in the network. The client uses a protocol called "Identify" to detect peer addresses (often referred to as multiaddress in libp2p).

Qualification Requirements

Only Eligible projects will qualify for the prizes: - Projects integrating Avail for data availability or using the Avail network in a meaningful way (with utility) are eligible. - Projects using Avail's light client P2P network are also eligible. - Projects building upon or improving any of Avail's existing tools and technologies are eligible. - Projects that expand Avail's ecosystem are eligible. - Needs to be a new project. Any pre-existing project MUST mention what has been done beforehand and explicitly state what was accomplished during the hackathon.

📝 Best use of any rollup SDK with AvailDA$2,500
   ① $1,500       ② $1,000       ③ $500   
Avail DA is a robust DA base layer for developers to spin up fast, cheap, and secure rollups. Build your project that utilizes AvailDA’s expandable blobspace meaningfully or build a project that helps developer/user experience and improves the Avail ecosystem. * Use RISC Zero zkVM or co-processors and submit data to Avail DA. * Use Arbitrum Orbit with Avail DA's Orbit adapters to build your rollup. * Using Polygon CDK and light client to verify data posted by the sequencer * Build a micro-rollup with Stackr SDK * Build an NFT marketing rollup built on Avail DA * Liquid Staking for Avail and many more ideas can be found in the cheatsheet below!

Qualification Requirements

Qualification Requirements Only Eligible projects will qualify for the prizes: - Projects integrating Avail for data availability or using the Avail network in a meaningful way (with utility) are eligible. - Projects using Avail's light client P2P network are also eligible. - Projects building upon or improving any of Avail's existing tools and technologies are eligible. - Projects that expand Avail's ecosystem are eligible. - Needs to be a new project. Any pre-existing project MUST mention what has been done beforehand and explicitly state what was accomplished during the hackathon.

🛠 Best Core Tooling project$500
Build anything that improves Avail's existing ecosystem, and developer tooling (Some ideas include: Avail DA efficiency cost calculator/visualizer, Developer Toolkits, Dashboards, Validator Operations such as automated payout claiming, Liquid Staking, etc)

Qualification Requirements

Only Eligible projects will qualify for the prizes: - Projects integrating Avail for data availability or using the Avail network in a meaningful way (with utility) are eligible. - Projects using Avail's light client P2P network are also eligible. - Projects building upon or improving any of Avail's existing tools and technologies are eligible. - Projects that expand Avail's ecosystem are eligible. - Needs to be a new project. Any pre-existing project MUST mention what has been done beforehand and explicitly state what was accomplished during the hackathon.
