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Getting Started

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Getting Started

Docs and Getting Started: https://docs.next.id/

API: https://api.web3.bio/

Our GitHub page: https://github.com/NextDotID


Join our Community Telegram Group for quick assistance: https://t.me/NextDotIDofficial/2223

For any questions, feel free to send an email to developer@next.id

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Getting Started

📃 Documentation

Website I Docs I Quickstarts I Github I Explorer I Protocol Overview

💙 Community

Discord I Hackathon Success Guide I Ideas Database

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Getting Started

  • FVM Official Site: Official site for FVM, with thorough references to FVM overview, timeline, and developer resources
  • FVM Quick Start Guide: FVM walk-through guide for wallet setup and contract deployment with Remix
  • FVM Hackathon Cheat Sheet: The name says it all! This is the comprehensive guide with all learning resources about FVM
  • FVM Toolkit References: Lists a collection of tools and resources you can use to build on top of the Filecoin network using the FVM
  • Metamask and Faucet Guide: A walkthrough tutorial to integrate FIL into MetaMask for different Filecoin networks.
  • Using Remix with FEVM: A live walk-through demo for setting up a wallet and using Remix to deploy a smart contract on FEVM
  • Example Use Cases: The Request for Startup blog post outlines a number of exciting opportunities and ideas that can be built on FVM
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Getting Started

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Dive into the Docs

Check out our GitHub

Wormhole website

💜 Join the community:

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Aztec is a privacy-first zkRollup on Ethereum. We are also developing Noir, the easiest-to-use zk circuit writing language available.

Aztec is a privacy-first zkRollup on Ethereum. We are also developing Noir, the easiest-to-use zk circuit writing language available.



$5,000 prize pool!

  1. $2,000 for the best overall Noir application or library.
  2. $2,000 for the best overall developer tool for the Noir ecosystem.
  3. $1,000 for the best overall Aztec Sandbox dapp.

*Depending on the prize breakdown, runner-ups may be eligible for prizes as well

🏆 Best overall Noir application or library$2,000

Noir is a Domain Specific Language for SNARK proving systems. It has been designed to use any ACIR compatible proving system. Its design choices are influenced heavily by Rust and focuses on a simple, familiar syntax.

Build an application or library using Noir: https://noir-lang.org/

Qualification Requirements

-Does the dapp include a front end (nice to have, but not required)? -Does the dapp leverage unique capabilities of the Noir? -Dapp specific contracts written in Noir -Creativity, ingenuity -Submission includes a write up of challenges faced when working with the sandbox (nice to have)

🏆 Best overall Aztec Sandbox dapp$2,000

Aztec is a privacy-first zkRollup on Ethereum. We are also developing Noir, the easiest-to-use zk circuit writing language available.

We truly value the contributions of hackers, and some hackathon submissions may qualify for retroactive grant funding. Please be on the lookout for a follow up email post hackathon!

Qualification Requirements

Projects will be judged on the following criteria: -Does the dapp include a front end (nice to have, but not required)? -Does the dapp leverage unique capabilities of the Aztec network? -Dapp specific contracts written in Noir -Creativity, ingenuity -Submission includes a write up of challenges faced when working with the sandbox (nice to have)

Getting Started

Review the Aztec Labs' DevRel Hacker Handbook



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Getting Started

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Getting Started

What Can You Build?

Using the new primitive, xcall, developers can send assets and any arbitrary data across chains. This means you can build with crosschain interoperability out of the box, allowing your smart contracts to directly interact with other protocols across chains! You’ll find there is a whole realm of new possibilities using features enabled by the protocol.

xcall allows for a new class of crosschain use cases, such as:

🔗 Crosschain DAO governance

💧 Crosschain liquidity management

💎 Crosschain NFTs

🔮 And many more that have yet to be discovered

Chain Abstraction

The goal of chain abstraction is to free the user from chain management. Connext enables dApps to build toward this kind of ideal user experience. [Read more](https://docs.connext.network/usecases/chain-abstraction) about chain abstraction and how to build chain-abstracted dApps.

xERC20 Token Standard

Also known as [ERC-7281: Sovereign Bridged Tokens](https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/erc-7281-sovereign-bridged-tokens/14979/1), the xERC20 open token standard is an extension of ERC20 that allows tokens to be transferred across chains with zero slippage, enables fungibility between bridges, and allows token issuers to set custom rate limits for every bridge. [Read more](https://docs.connext.network/usecases/xerc20) about xERC20s and how to deploy them.

Other Resources

[👩‍💻 Developer Quickstart](https://docs.connext.network/developers/quickstart)

[🌉 General Bridge Concepts](https://docs.connext.network/concepts/background/what-is-a-bridge)

[🕰️ Connext’s Transaction Lifecycle](https://docs.connext.network/concepts/how-it-works/transaction-flow)

[🌐 Supported Chains and Contract Addresses](https://docs.connext.network/resources/deployments)

[📚 SDK Guide](https://docs.connext.network/developers/guides/sdk-guides)

[📖 SDK Reference](https://docs.connext.network/developers/reference/sdk/sdkbase)

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Getting Started

Developer Docs

Connect with Us

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Getting Started

Docs (official): https://docs.tableland.xyz | Share Studio link in your submissions: https://docs.tableland.xyz/studio/web/collaborate#sharing-via-link | Studio web app: https://studio.tableland.xyz | Studio docs: https://docs.tableland.xyz/studio | Basin CLI: https://github.com/tablelandnetwork/basin-cli | Basin docs: https://www.notion.so/textile/Tableland-Basin-Guide-20a27d0b147640b8a5b2fac0e55e1068?pvs=4